
4 Ways to Prevent Rape!

1. Work On Your Defensive Mindset: As I mentioned in my Defensive Living Manifesto, defense living begins in the mind. It is a mindset which is aware and prepared for action if necessary, not a mindset of paranoia and fear. Fear, weakness, and vulnerability are what an attacker looks for in a potential victim. How you think transfers into body language. If you consider yourself weak and easy prey, guess what you will look like? 

2.Reduce The Risk: The best defense is not to have to defend yourself at all. There are certain risks in this life which are unavoidable. We all realize that. But, the risks which we can reduce or avoid all together should have our full concentration. 

For example, I see women all the time walk into shadowy parking garages unescorted. Dumb! That is the only way to describe it. Preventing rape means you have to learn not to assume anything. Wait until several people are going in the same direction. Ask to be escorted. Most men are by nature protective and more than willing to help you get in your car safely; grocery boys, waiters, parking attendants, security guards, etc. 

3. Be Careful What You Drink or Drink: For you girls who like to party, be careful. Drinks and food can be laced with date rape drugs. Pour or open your own drink, or at least watch as it is being poured. If you happen to set it down and take your eyes off of it, even for a few seconds, open another drink and keep it with you. 

4. Select a Weapon: Thats right, a weapon. Obviously, guns are the most effective but you need to be trained in how to use one.  A knife is also effective, but unless you know how to wield it, it will probably end up in the hands of your attacker. The best all around option is pepper spray, in my opinion. It establishes a "critical distance" from the attacker and, most importantly, renders him powerless. Check out my post on pepper spray for more details on what kind and size of spray I recommend and why.  

For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten