
Safe Room Weaponry: Pepper Spray

As I discussed in the article on "Safe Rooms," the quality of the lock is the most critical part of the room. The longer the lock holds, the more time you have to alert the police and for them to arrive.

Okay, hopefully by now, you understand the importance of the lock in your overall security plan. If you don't, then you're an idiot, and I just can't do much for you.

Yet, a "
Safe Room" is intended to feel safe. No matter how strong that lock is, there is no way to feel completely safe huddled behind your door when someone is trying desperately to kick through it. The noise alone will be terrifying and parents with small children will first need to feel safe and confident in order to convincingly calm the young ones. 

Street Wise 17% Pepper Spray with Extended Grip 1.5 lb. - SW24PG

At this point, therefore, I suggest you buy some pepper spray in the event that an intruder is able to get into your "safe room" before the police arrive. It is unlikely if you installed the lock I recommended, however, it can happen, and you need to be prepared.

Pepper spray should be one of the main pillars supporting any defensive lifestyle. It is non-lethal but extremely painful and incapacitating. You hit someone with the pepper spray I recommend and all he is going to be thinking about is how to keep from dying, because he is definitely going to feel like he is. This stuff is strong. Here are some important things to consider:

1) In a situation like this, or in any critical situation for that matter, you need a good solid canister to hold with a more than adequate amount of pepper spray and a lot of power. We're not talking about spraying flies you know. I do not recommend at all those tiny little pepper sprays available in many different colors that you can hook to your key chain. With some drug crazed rapist desperately trying to cut through your door, that's a bit like setting a toddler next to a killer bee hive with a fly swatter.
Become familiar with your weapon. Never go into battle with an unfamiliar weapon. If you need to practice, buy two canisters. Just be sure you always point that thing down wind and not in an enclosed area. 
Just thinking about it won't get you anywhere. Do something! You really can protect your family. And deep down inside you and I both know that you want to.

For your safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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