
There is Nothing Like Seeing The Real Thing!

Click on this link and check out the safety program for children put on by the local police department in this Missouri town. Hey listen, the earlier we begin to teach our children about overall safety, the more ingrained these realities will be when the time comes for them to start making decisions for themselves.

This program focuses on and demonstrates in real life what the hazards can be when we don't wear our seat belts. The up-close observance of what will actually happen in an accident without seat belts leaves a life-long impression.

This program focuses on and demonstrates in real life what the hazards can be when we don't wear our seat belts. The up-close observance of what will actually happen in an accident without seat belts leaves a life-long impression.

Just imagine your little girl finally grown up enough to be out with her friends, with one of her friends driving. And just suppose the driver starts acting a little silly, driving crazy, you know, all the things one does when one is of a younger age. And now picture your daughter, reach across her waist and quietly buckle her seat belt (while cussing out her crazy friend) even though no one else in the car does so because of being made fun of earlier, i.e. "Only a sissy will wear a seat belt."

Check to see if any safety demonstrations are being held in your area. Your family will enjoy the time together and learn a great deal about safety practices. C'mon, just sitting there won't make you safe, you've got to practice it!

For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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