
4 Critical Things You Need to Know to Protect Yourself in a Fire!

STARKVILLE, Miss. (Dec. 28) - Fire tore through an apartment early Monday, killing six children and three adults, officials said."

1) How many times do we have to read about the tragedies of home fires before we find the conviction to take some defensive action? There is hardly a day that goes by without a headline reporting a home fire disaster. Whole families often die as a result of fire accidents that tragically could have easily been prevented. You need to take this problem seriously.

2) Smoke is the real killer in a house fire. Victims are usually dead from suffocation well before the fire ever reaches them. A good smoke detector will alert you that something is burning in your house and give you important time to either extinguish whatever is burning or exit the premises.

3) There are two types of fires: flaming and smoldering. Flaming fires result from flammable materials igniting from unattended portable heaters, cooking accidents, etc.  Smoldering fires occur when  materials, such as cigarettes fall into a sofa or a bed and produce a great deal of smoke before actually igniting. 

Because you don't know what type of fire you will have in your home, experts recommend installing both types of technology for optimal protection. Therefore, I strongly recommend dual sensor smoke alarms to give your family the best chance of survival.

I have done some research for you and I suggest this smoke and fire detector because of its capability to detect both flaming and smoldering fires.

4) It is critical to take the appropriate action. I can't imagine life without fire. I enjoy hot showers, cooked food, and a warm fireplace. Yet, don't let fire take your life or the lives of your loved ones. It's quite the contradiction to spend a great amount of time and money to plan for your family's future, and ignore the need to spend a few minutes and dollars to install a smoke detector. 
For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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