
Motion Sensors: 3 Things to Consider

Motions sensors represent the technology which enables motion sensors to trigger all types of security alarms, lights, and cameras, and alert police and emergency personnel. Before this technology the main challenge for an intruder was to move quietly without being seen. Therefore, motion sensors should be part of your efforts to provide protection for home and family. Here are some things to consider:

1) Motion sensors fall into two main categories; "outdoor" and "indoor." The main difference involves the resiliency of the unit. If you have outdoor areas you would like to secure by detecting motion you will want a motion sensor reliable enough to function efficiently during various weather conditions.

Keep that in mind before you select a particular type of motion sensor. The main decision is whether you want a motion sensor that turns on outside lights, sounds a alarm, or takes pictures of what is moving. I recommend an outdoor unit that turns on outside lights because there are a lot of things that move in the night so if you have an piercing alarm attached to your motion sensors you will undoubtedly find yourself being awakened by a lot of false alarms, i.e. racoons, cats, blowing limbs, etc. Lights are quiet but very effective in scaring away a would-be intruder.

I want an alarm to warn me primarily if a door or window is opened. An intruder would have to be a lot more crazy than he already is by just being an intruder to enter a home after a loud alarm sounds. One thing you can be sure of; all intruders hate attention, and alarms and lights bring a lot of it.

2) Motion sensors can be pricey, particularly the ones with video and camera capabilities. For the normal homeowner, you have to question whether there is enough benefit for you personally to justify the higher prices.

Regarding outside motion sensors I am not as interested in viewing the culprit as I am in scaring him away. Videos units connected to inside motion sensors, however, are particularly useful for monitoring and viewing the goings-on in areas of concern, for example, an infant or toddler bedroom.

It is very difficult to recommend any particular motion sensor because of the many variations of features as I mentioned above, as well as the wide range of prices. There are very simple units as well as some more expensive ones. Something to keep in mind; you don't necessarily need an expensive unit with all the bells and whistles to detect motion.

3) Check out this website. It's a great company with great product support. Start simple, try the unit to see if it is what you are looking for, and if not, return it for something more useful. I want a motion sensor unit which primarily lets me know when a window or door is opened. Once someone is in the house, you have less time to react.

At this point, you need to make a decision and acquire a motion sensor unit that gives you and your family ample warning to take the appropriate action. Don't procrastinate, your life and the lives of your loved ones depend on decisiveness and action. Saving lives always does.

For your safety,
Dr. Martin Wooten


Is a Pit Bull for Me?

As I have recommended to hundreds of people and wrote in my post on owning a dog, there is no stronger deterrent to an attacker's plans than a protection dog. No question about it. Even if you are  holding someone at gunpoint, your hesitancy because of fear or reluctance to shoot someone can put you in harm's way. 

A good protection dog has no fear of protecting; that is his one and only job. Pit bulls are great protection dogs. The reputation they have for being aggressive, violent, and out of control is for the most part unwarranted. If they are trained to be aggressive or the owner is not a strong leader and lets them have their way, they can be a problem. Otherwise, they are great family dogs, very loyal, and protective. I have a female pit bull and she is great with my family and very friendly when people come over, but she is no nonsense if a threat to my family occurs.

While my daughter was jogging in somewhat of a reclusive area, she was almost attacked by a man until our pit bull stepped in between her and the attacker. She never actually bit the man but she let him clearly know that if he took one more step towards my daughter things were going to get ugly. One look at her and the man backed off and fled.

Check out my other post on owning a protection dog.  Dogs are an investment that will protect you and your family from some horrible experiences. No one with even the slightest brain wave who would carry out a plan of attack on someone walking with a protection dog. Let alone, if you had two. It's a beautiful thing when your dog does it's job.

For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten


4 Critical Things You Need to Know to Protect Yourself in a Fire!

STARKVILLE, Miss. (Dec. 28) - Fire tore through an apartment early Monday, killing six children and three adults, officials said."

1) How many times do we have to read about the tragedies of home fires before we find the conviction to take some defensive action? There is hardly a day that goes by without a headline reporting a home fire disaster. Whole families often die as a result of fire accidents that tragically could have easily been prevented. You need to take this problem seriously.

2) Smoke is the real killer in a house fire. Victims are usually dead from suffocation well before the fire ever reaches them. A good smoke detector will alert you that something is burning in your house and give you important time to either extinguish whatever is burning or exit the premises.

3) There are two types of fires: flaming and smoldering. Flaming fires result from flammable materials igniting from unattended portable heaters, cooking accidents, etc.  Smoldering fires occur when  materials, such as cigarettes fall into a sofa or a bed and produce a great deal of smoke before actually igniting. 

Because you don't know what type of fire you will have in your home, experts recommend installing both types of technology for optimal protection. Therefore, I strongly recommend dual sensor smoke alarms to give your family the best chance of survival.

I have done some research for you and I suggest this smoke and fire detector because of its capability to detect both flaming and smoldering fires.

4) It is critical to take the appropriate action. I can't imagine life without fire. I enjoy hot showers, cooked food, and a warm fireplace. Yet, don't let fire take your life or the lives of your loved ones. It's quite the contradiction to spend a great amount of time and money to plan for your family's future, and ignore the need to spend a few minutes and dollars to install a smoke detector. 
For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten