
5 Self Defense and Safety Tips for the Elderly

Elder abuse is one of the most heinous crimes in our society. With people living much longer, elder abuse is destined to be on the increase. The following are some helpful tips to keep you safe.
1) Be sure you have adequate locks on your doors and windows. It is well worth the price of new locks if a burglar comes around looking for a way to get into your house. Don't make it easy for them.

2) Get to know your neighbors. Ask them to keep an eye out for any suspicious looking activity and either inform you or call the police themselves. Also, ask them if you can contact them if you become startled. The majority of people are more than happy and even eager to help.

3) Keep emergency numbers in close view. Calling 911 is the most important call you can make. Secondly, call your neighbors.

4) Don't be embarrassed to ask for help. It is normal not to want to bother anyone but a little humility can go a long way in keeping you safe.

5) Think about getting a watch dog. Check out my post which discusses the difference between a watch dog and a guard dog. If you are comfortable with a guard dog then invest in one. If not, be sure you select a breed known for watch dog capabilities, particularly a breed that barks. Barking dogs are an excellent deterrent to break-ins. Obviously, burglars operate best when they are undetected. A dog can hear suspicious activity well before you can.

Stay safe,
Dr. Martin Wooten

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