
3 Important Aspects of Personal Self-Defense

The statement, "The best defense is no defense", though seemingly contradictory, is ironically true. Not having to defend yourself is a much safer scenario than a scenario in which you must defend yourself against an attacker.

1) Be aware of your surroundings. Only allow yourself to be alone if it is absolutely necessary. Late night activities in secluded places are prime hiding places for an attacker. Plan ahead in order to avoid being caught in a dangerous place. Why go to a late movie when you can attend an earlier one and avoid the chance of being attacked?

2) You have heard the saying, "There is strength in numbers." Well, it's true, particularly when it comes to protecting yourself. Robbers, rapists, and muggers are cowards by nature and prey on the weak and isolated. If attending a party where you are unacquainted with most of the people, take a friend along and stay together. Remember, date rape is not a group event.

3)  Unless you have had some extensive training, you'll need to get in a learning mode, put aside some time, and be ready to have some fun learning how to better defend yourself. There are a lot of resources available from books to DVDs that will help you get started. It is not necessary to enroll in a karate course to prepare yourself. A few basic but effective moves can take you a long way!

For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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