
Home Safety: Carbon Monoxide Detectors Can Save Your Family's Life

It can kill in a matter of minutes, but you can’t see it, smell it, or taste it. Carbon monixide has been called the invisible killer. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are similar to those of the flu, food poisoning or other illnesses, such as dizziness, confusion, nausea, headaches, and shortess of breath.

Sadly, carbon monoxide poisoning kills hundreds of people every year which has motivated more and more homeowners to purchase carbon monoxide detectors for their homes. Many home owners recognize the value of smoke detectors which in many states are required in all new homes and buildings. However, carbon monoxide detectors have not reached the same home safety emphasis. However, carbon monoxide is even more deadly because it is oderless and invisible. Its victims simply fall asleep, yet never wake up.
Carbon monoxide is produced when any fuel such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood or charcoal is burned. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide are produced when appliances are used incorrectly or are not functioning properly. Idling cars are a common source of carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyone using fuel sources besides electricity should be very familiar with the equipment and have it professionally inspected. Unlike propane, which is heavier than air or natural gas which is lighter than air, carbon monoxide has the same buoyancy as room air and therefore, circulates easily and evenly.

Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors should be partners in providing early warnings of dangerous and poisonous gases in the home. There is no better insurance than a properly operating smoke and carbon monoxide detector. They both save lives.

For Your Safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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