
If You Can't Afford a Home Security System, Try This!

Sometimes we overlook a simple solution to a problem because we're led to believe that the more sophisticated solutions are the most reliable, particularly in this age of technology.

In general, most people believe that the best way to ward off burglars and the like is to invest in an expensive technologically sophisticated home security system. Yet, in reality, all they really want is something to make a lot of noise to scare off a would-be intruder.

A simpler solution if you don't have a home security system is to use your car as an alarm. Most cars these days have alarm systems included in the price of the car and can be set off by pressing the panic button on the car key. Keep your car key close at hand, next to your bed at night, etc., and when you hear something suspicious or someone trying to break into your house, press the panic button on your car key. That should startle any burglars from continuing their break-in attempts. Whatever the case, it is a lot less expensive than installing a home security system, particularly if you are short on case.

Just be sure to check the detection range of your car alarm to be sure it will go off if the button is pressed inside the house.

For your safety,

Dr. Martin Wooten

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